TALK TO AN ATTORNEY 214.665.6930
For the defense you deserve.

Irving Violent Crimes Lawyer

Violent crime charges in Irving, Texas, come with severe repercussions that can drastically alter your life. The potential for lengthy imprisonment, financial strain, and loss of civil rights underscores the importance of a strong legal defense. At Chris Lewis & Associates, we are committed to providing expert legal support, ensuring your rights are protected every step of the way.

Navigating the Legal Landscape of Violent Crimes in Irving

When facing violent crime charges, it is crucial to understand the legal landscape and the steps necessary to build a formidable defense.

Essential Legal Steps

The journey begins with a comprehensive collection of documentation and evidence. Our team at Chris Lewis & Associates will work with you to gather vital evidence, secure witness statements, and collect medical records where injuries are involved. Preserving communication records, such as texts and emails, can also play a crucial role in supporting your defense.

Document Collection

Effective defense relies on meticulous document collection. Photos, videos, and witness statements are essential in constructing your case. Medical records can substantiate your claims, while communication records provide additional context that can be pivotal in your defense.

Selecting the Right Legal Representation

Choosing an experienced criminal defense lawyer is a pivotal decision. Chris Lewis & Associates has a proven track record in handling violent crime cases in Irving. We bring in-depth knowledge of local laws and court systems, ensuring a specialized approach tailored to your case.

Defense Strategies for Violent Crime Charges

Understanding the nature of your charges is key to developing an effective defense strategy. Common violent crimes include assault, homicide, and battery, each requiring specific defense tactics.

Assault, Homicide, and Battery Defense

For assault charges, defenses may include self-defense or defense of others. Homicide cases might involve arguing lack of intent or self-defense. Battery charges could be defended through claims of false accusation or consent. Our legal team will analyze every aspect of your case to devise the most effective strategy.

Current Laws and Regulations

Violent crimes in Irving fall under Texas state laws, with penalties ranging from substantial fines to imprisonment. Understanding these laws is vital, and Chris Lewis & Associates is here to help you navigate these complexities.

The Consequences of a Violent Crime Conviction

A conviction can have far-reaching effects on your life, impacting everything from employment to personal relationships.

Legal Consequences

Penalties in Irving can be severe, with assault charges potentially leading to a decade in prison and homicide possibly resulting in life sentences. Financial penalties add another layer of burden, highlighting the need for a robust defense.

Social and Personal Impacts

A criminal record can hinder job prospects and damage your reputation, making it difficult to secure employment and housing. It can also lead to the loss of civil rights, affecting your ability to vote or own firearms.

Mitigating the Consequences with Chris Lewis & Associates

Our firm is dedicated to minimizing the impact of a conviction. We meticulously examine evidence, identify weaknesses in the prosecution’s case, and negotiate plea deals when appropriate to reduce penalties. Post-conviction, we offer support in exploring appeals or expungement to help clear your record.

From Defense to Resolution: Your Partner in Legal Challenges

Facing violent crime charges in Irving doesn’t have to be a solitary battle. Chris Lewis & Associates stands ready to defend your rights and help navigate the complexities of your case. Our goal is not just to defend but to secure the best possible outcome for your future. Contact us today and take the first step towards safeguarding your life and liberties.


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