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Fort Worth Violent Crimes Lawyer

Being convicted of a violent offense in Texas can lead to severe legal consequences. Secure the services of a Fort Worth violent crime attorney from Chris Lewis & Associates, P.C. to begin crafting a strong defense immediately.

Violent offenses are treated with utmost seriousness in Texas, and a conviction could mean facing harsh penalties. Most violent crimes are classified as felonies, often resulting in prison sentences. It’s crucial to remember that not everyone charged with a crime is guilty, and you deserve the best possible defense tailored to your situation.

Relying on a public defender might not be in your best interest. They often lack the time and resources to devote the necessary attention to your case. Your future is worth defending vigorously, and surrendering without a fight should never be an option. Collaborate with a Fort Worth violent crime lawyer who will thoroughly investigate your case and develop the most effective defense strategy for you.

Types of Violent Crimes in Forth Worth, Texas

Each case is unique, and your Fort Worth violent crime lawyer will need to closely examine the specifics of your situation to build the most effective defense. Even if two individuals are charged with the same type of crime, the circumstances surrounding each case can vary significantly. The penalties you face will depend on various factors.

Key considerations include your past criminal history, the specific nature of the crime you’re being charged with, and the details of your case. It is the responsibility of your attorney to identify any flaws in the prosecution’s case and construct a robust defense strategy. Here are some examples of violent crimes in Texas:

  • Assault
  • Aggravated Assault
  • Sexual Assault
  • Aggravated Sexual Assault
  • Injury to a Child, Elderly Person, or Disabled Person
  • Deadly Conduct
  • Terrorist Threat
  • Family Violence
  • Aiding Suicide
  • Harassment
  • Weapons Offenses

By working with a skilled Fort Worth violent crime lawyer, you can ensure that every aspect of your case is thoroughly investigated and that you receive the best possible defense.

The Impact of a Violent Crime Conviction in Fort Worth

Facing a violent crime charge in Fort Worth is an incredibly serious matter that can have far-reaching consequences. A conviction can lead to severe legal penalties, including jail time for misdemeanors or prison time for felonies, along with probation and hefty fines. Beyond these legal repercussions, a violent crime conviction can dramatically alter the course of your life.

A conviction will likely bar you from certain types of employment, hinder your chances for promotions, and severely limit your job prospects. The inability to secure decent employment can have long-term financial repercussions that might affect you for the rest of your life. Additionally, you may be restricted from living in certain areas that do not allow felons and from accessing specific government programs. The impact on your personal life can be equally devastating, affecting your family and social relationships.

Fighting Against a Violent Crime Conviction in Fort Worth

Hiring a Fort Worth violent crime attorney can significantly increase your chances of having your case dismissed or your charges reduced. An experienced attorney will scrutinize every detail of your case to identify weaknesses in the prosecution’s evidence. It’s important to remember that not every case has sufficient evidence to secure a conviction, which is why prosecutors often offer plea deals. They know that taking the case to trial might not result in a guilty verdict.

There are numerous defenses available, and it’s crucial not to give up without exploring all your options. Consulting with an attorney is the best way to understand the defenses that could be applicable to your case. Here are some common defenses for violent crimes in Texas:

  • Consent: Arguing that the alleged victim consented to the act.
  • False Accusation: Proving that you were wrongfully accused.
  • Self-Defense or Defense of Others: Demonstrating that you acted to protect yourself or others.
  • Intoxication: Showing that you were under the influence and lacked intent.
  • Insanity: Arguing that you were not of sound mind at the time of the crime.
  • Police Procedural Errors: Highlighting mistakes made by law enforcement during the investigation or arrest.
  • Insufficient Evidence: Arguing that the evidence presented is not strong enough to convict.
  • Mistaken Identity: Proving that you were not the person who committed the crime.
  • Mistake of Fact: Demonstrating that you misunderstood the situation or facts at the time of the offense.

Partner with a Violent Crime Attorney in Fort Worth, Texas

The thought of being convicted of a violent crime in Fort Worth is daunting, and rightfully so. A conviction can strip you of your freedom, jeopardize your job prospects, and affect your family’s respect and support. The long-term consequences can be overwhelming, making it difficult to ever fully escape the shadow of a violent crime conviction.

You have only one life to live, so make the decision to fight against a conviction. Consult with a Fort Worth violent crime lawyer about your options today. Chris Lewis & Associates, P.C. is committed to providing you with the expert legal representation you need to protect your rights and secure your future.

Take action now. Call Chris Lewis & Associates, P.C. at 214-480-4703, or complete the online form below to schedule a consultation. Your defense starts here—let our experienced team fight for you.


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