Insurance fraud is when a person attempts to gain financially by lying to an insurance company. They could lie on the insurance claim or directly to an insurance adjuster. The insured person could be guilty of insurance fraud, but others could commit insurance fraud, as well. For example, doctors, hospitals, agents, or adjusters can also...
Read MoreThe thought of going to court is terrifying for so many. When you are facing criminal charges, it can seem like the world has ended. Yes, there are serious consequences for criminal convictions, so it’s important to take a federal charge seriously. You may feel a little better, though, if you know how the criminal...
Read MoreHave you been charged with a crime in Texas? You might be unsure what type of crime you’ve been charged with or whether it’s a state or federal crime. It’s important to understand criminal charges in Texas so you can know how to face them (or, hopefully, avoid them). State charges have to do with...
Read MoreIt’s a question that most people ask themselves after being arrested for a crime: Should I call a private defense attorney or just stick with the public defender? It’s obviously your choice, but choosing help with your defense is not like picking where you want to eat for dinner. Your future is on the line....
Read MoreDrug charges of all stripes are likely to frighten the person who is facing them, but charges at the federal level seem to be at a higher caliber. When the federal government is after you, you might want to talk to a lawyer. That’s because the penalties for federal crimes are often more severe than...
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