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Understanding Rear-End Collision Causes and Injuries in Dallas, Texas

October 4, 2023

Have you ever experienced that heart-pounding moment when you catch a glimpse in your rearview mirror and realize a collision is imminent? It’s an unsettling experience. But what may surprise you is how frequently rear-end collisions occur in Dallas.

We’re not referring to minor fender-benders here.

Picture this scenario: you’re peacefully navigating the lanes of I-35e after a long day at work, and suddenly, your head jerks backward due to the impact of another vehicle crashing into yours. Now, imagine contending with neck discomfort, fractures, or even more severe consequences of a traumatic brain injury.

It may sound harsh, but unfortunately, a grim reality unfolds routinely within our bustling metropolis. We won’t just shine a light on these sobering truths in this discussion. We’ll also delve into strategies for effectively addressing them.

Rear-End Collisions in Dallas

A rear-end collision happens when one vehicle crashes into the back of another car. In such collisions, the vehicle in the rear typically strikes the back of the vehicle in front of it. 

Rear-end collisions happen for various reasons. They can be minor with little damage or more severe with significant property damage and injuries. Rear-end crashes, a frequent occurrence on the bustling roads of Dallas, are often linked to various factors. These mishaps can lead to serious injuries and potentially complex legal situations.

Common Causes of Rear-End Collisions

In Dallas, rear-end collisions are, unfortunately, a common occurrence. Distracted driving takes the top spot regarding reasons behind rear-end accidents. This includes activities like texting or adjusting the radio while at the wheel. Tailgating is another primary culprit – drivers who don’t maintain safe distances might not have enough time to brake if the vehicle ahead stops abruptly.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is a growing issue, especially with the rise of technology. Texting or making calls while behind the wheel can lead to slower reaction times and ultimately result in accidents. This isn’t just about mobile phones, though – anything that takes your attention off the road counts as a distraction.


Have you ever been followed too closely by another vehicle? That’s tailgating for you. It leaves little room for drivers to react if traffic suddenly slows down or stops, leading to potential rear-end crashes.


Drivers who fail to adhere to speed limits often find themselves unable to stop safely when required – a recipe for disaster on our roads. The high impact force from such incidents also increases their severity significantly compared with other collisions.

Sudden Stops

When a vehicle in front stops abruptly, the following vehicle cannot brake in time.

Poor Weather Conditions

Reduced visibility and slippery roads due to rain, snow, ice, or fog can make it challenging to stop in time.

Faulty Brakes

Malfunctioning or poorly maintained brakes can prevent a driver from stopping quickly.

Driver Fatigue

Tired or drowsy drivers may have slower reaction times and impaired judgment.

Reckless Driving

Aggressive driving behaviors, such as weaving in and out of traffic or ignoring traffic signals, can lead to rear-end collisions.

Types of Injuries from Rear-End Collisions

The resulting injuries can be diverse and often severe when discussing rear-end collisions. It’s not just a simple fender-bender situation.

The impacts can cause a variety of physical damages. Let’s explore these further.

1. Whiplash: The Silent Threat

We frequently hear about this injury but might underestimate its severity due to its common occurrence. However, whiplash isn’t something to brush off lightly.

Whiplash occurs when your neck gets jerked forward and then back abruptly during impact, causing muscle strains or tears. Its effects aren’t always immediate but can cause chronic pain over time if left untreated.

2. Broken Bones: Visible Yet Complex

In addition to soft tissue damage like whiplash, broken bones are a common result of rear-end collisions. They are easily noticeable but require complex treatment and recovery.

Broken bones, whether it’s limbs or ribs, require extensive medical intervention, including surgery at times, followed by lengthy rehabilitation periods that significantly disrupt daily life.

3. Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): The Hidden Danger

Last on our list but certainly not least significant, is Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). TBIs occur when forceful movement causes the brain to collide with the skull, leading to potentially long-term cognitive issues such as memory loss or mood swings.

Unlike other injuries mentioned above, TBIs have more profound implications because they affect mental functions rather than physical ones, making them especially concerning.

4. Facial Injuries

The impact force can cause occupants to strike their faces against the dashboard, steering wheel, or airbags, leading to facial injuries like cuts, bruises, or fractures.

5. Chest and Rib Injuries

The impact can cause chest and rib injuries, such as bruised or broken ribs and in extreme cases, damage to internal organs like the lungs or heart.

6. Arm and Leg Injuries 

Occupants may suffer injuries to their arms and legs due to their position in the vehicle or the force of the collision. These injuries may include fractures, dislocations, or soft tissue damage.

7. Psychological Injuries

Rear-end collisions can also result in psychological trauma, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, or depression, particularly in cases of severe accidents.

8. Internal Injuries

High-speed rear-end collisions can cause internal injuries, such as damage to organs like the liver, kidneys, or spleen. These injuries may not be obvious right away and might need medical attention.

9. Seatbelt and Airbag Injuries

Seatbelts and airbags save lives, but they can also cause injuries like bruises, scrapes, or chest injuries from the impact of a collision.

Always seek prompt medical attention after any accident involving these injuries, even if symptoms seem mild at first, to ensure the best outcomes.

Understanding Liability in Rear-End Collisions

Rear-End Collisions Causes and Injuries | Dallas, TX | Chris Lewis & Associates P.C.

Unraveling the knot of liability in rear-end collisions can be a challenging task, as it heavily depends on the unique circumstances of each accident. In many instances, the motorist who smashes into another auto from behind is held accountable.

However, there are scenarios where blame may be shared between both drivers. This can happen if the leading car suddenly stops without reason or if its brake lights are not functioning properly. To navigate these complexities and establish fault definitively, our experienced Dallas criminal defense attorneys are ready to assist you.

The Role of Evidence in Establishing Fault

Gathering strong evidence plays a crucial role in proving fault in rear-end collision cases. This evidence may include traffic surveillance videos that show how the incident unfolded or witness accounts that support your version of events.

Securing police reports and medical records is important, as they provide undeniable evidence of the injuries caused by the accident. Additionally, photographs taken at the scene can give more support for your claim.

Navigating Texas Negligence Laws

Interestingly, Texas law operates under a “proportionate responsibility” system, where the percentage of one’s contribution reduces any damages awarded to causing the accident.

Even if you were partially responsible for a rear-end collision, you may still be able to get compensation if your share of the blame is less than 50%. This highlights the importance of seeking legal assistance when dealing with such matters.

Insurance Coverage for Rear-End Collisions

Navigating through the maze of insurance coverage following a rear-end collision in Dallas can be daunting, but understanding your options can simplify the process.

Liability Insurance: A Key Player

Is the driver at fault? Their liability insurance is usually front and center. It is designed to handle costs related to property damage or injuries caused by their negligence.

Personal Injury Protection (PIP): An Ally Regardless of Fault

Personal Injury Protection (PIP), available to Texas drivers, doesn’t play favorites. Whether you’re at fault or not, PIP covers medical expenses and wage losses.

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage: Filling In The Gaps

Sometimes the responsible party needs more adequate insurance – that’s where Uninsured or Underinsured Motorist Coverage steps in. This safety net takes care of costs when the other driver lacks enough protection.

To ensure a smooth claim filing after a rear-end collision, it’s wise to consult with professionals well-versed in auto accident laws and procedures. They can guide you through each step so nothing gets overlooked.

Legal Options After a Rear-End Collision

Experiencing a rear-end collision can be upsetting, but knowing your lawful rights and alternatives may clarify the situation. Let’s explore the necessary information.

1. Launching a Personal Injury Lawsuit

Filing a personal injury lawsuit is one viable option to recover from financial losses after an accident. The key here is proving that the other driver was at fault for causing the crash.

You’ll need evidence like police reports or witness testimonies, and illustrating how this incident has disrupted your life could significantly boost your claim.

2. Pursuing Compensation Through Insurance Claims

Filing an insurance claim against either your policy or the other party involved in the collision is another avenue to explore. But remember, it’s not always as straightforward as it seems.

To go through this process, you usually must prove your injuries, provide documents showing the property damage costs, and sometimes negotiate with insurance adjusters for fair compensation.

Navigating these complex processes might seem overwhelming, so seeking professional help becomes crucial. At Chris Lewis & Associates P.C., we have experienced Dallas-based attorneys specializing in car accidents who are ready to guide you every step of the way, ensuring optimal outcomes for their clients. Contact us today.

Statute of Limitations for Filing a Claim After a Rear-End Collision

The clock starts ticking after a rear-end collision in Dallas. You have two years, the statute of limitations for filing personal injury claims in Texas. You can’t afford to delay on this one. If you miss the deadline, you’re out of luck. Courts typically won’t consider latecomers unless there are rare exceptions.

Necessity of Swift Action

Time is a critical factor, both literally and symbolically. Filing your claim promptly is not just important; it’s crucial for the success of your case.

Don’t attempt to tackle the matter on your own; instead, consult professional attorneys located in Dallas for specialized assistance. Seek expert guidance from experienced attorneys based in Dallas. They will ensure that everything is done correctly and efficiently.

Situational Exceptions Exist

Rules are rules, but sometimes life isn’t fair. There may be situations where injuries were not immediately apparent or if the victim was under 18 when the accident occurred. In such cases, you may have more time beyond the two-year limit.

It is essential to consult with a legal professional knowledgeable in Texas civil practice laws without delay if your circumstances fall into this category. Texan legal experts can give you accurate information on how these details might affect your case timeline and eligibility for compensation.

Contact a Skilled Rear-End Collisions Attorney in Dallas

Imagine the sudden shock of a rear-end collision in Dallas. The confusion, the pain – it’s overwhelming. That’s when an experienced attorney becomes crucial. But why?

An experienced lawyer is not just your legal guide; they are your ally after such distressing incidents. They can dissect accident causes, be it distracted driving or tailgating, and help determine if negligence played its part.

  • A Legal Expert at Chris Lewis & Associates P.C.

In essence, these seasoned professionals are integral in ensuring that justice isn’t merely served but delivered right to your doorstep.


In conclusion, rear-end collisions in Dallas: Causes and Injuries represent a significant and concerning issue beyond mere fender-benders. These accidents often result in life-altering consequences for those involved.

Distracted driving, tailgating, and speeding are prominent factors contributing to these incidents, emphasizing the importance of responsible driving practices. Rear-end crashes can cause injuries, such as whiplash, fractures, and even traumatic brain injuries. These accidents can be severe.

Determining liability and proving fault in such cases can be complex endeavors, particularly when seeking compensation from insurance providers. Knowledge of the proper procedure for making a compensation claim is crucial for a successful outcome.

It is essential to mention that seeking legal action goes beyond just filing insurance claims. Considering the possibility of personal injury lawsuits can be a valuable choice. However, knowing the statute of limitations governing the timeframe within which claims must be filed after a collision occurs is essential.

The journey toward resolution and recovery does not conclude here. Legal avenues, safety measures, and responsible driving practices remain key components in addressing the aftermath of rear-end collisions and working towards safer roadways for all.

After navigating through this maze of issues arising from rear-end collisions, it becomes clear that professional help is crucial. By joining forces with skilled attorneys, such as those at Chris Lewis & Associates P.C., you can greatly increase your chances of receiving a fair compensation. Contact us today!

Rear-End Collisions FAQs

Are you always at fault in a rear-end collision in Texas?

The short answer is: No. In Texas, one motorist, both drivers, or neither party can be deemed at fault for a fender-bender. Most people think the driver in the back is always responsible for a rear-end accident because traffic laws state that drivers must keep a safe distance between cars.

Who is at fault in a rear-end collision in Texas?

If a person drives carelessly or recklessly and, as a result, causes a rear-end accident, then that person is considered to be “at fault.” If someone causes harm to others due to an accident, they can be held responsible for it. This includes injuries to the body or damage to property.

Where do most rear-end collisions occur?

These car accidents often occur at a red light, a stop sign, or congested traffic. A majority of rear-end accidents happen at low speeds. But they can occur at high speeds on highways, interstates, and other high-speed roads.

What is the law on rear-end accidents in Texas?

Negligence in Rear-End Accidents in Texas Since Texas follows the doctrine of modified comparative negligence, both motorists can be held liable for the rear-end collision. In rare cases, however, neither driver is to blame for the accident.


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