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Dallas Work Injury Lawyer

When you’re injured on the job, you not only have to deal with the pain of an injury, but also financial setbacks. Fortunately, a work injury lawyer in Dallas can help you review your options. 

Work injuries can affect the entire family. The impact of medical bills, lost wages, and the emotional toll of your injury can leave you feeling helpless.

Although workers comp helps you replace a portion of your salary, it won’t be enough if you suffer serious injuries. The good news is that a Dallas work injury lawyer can help you fight for the compensation you deserve.

Common Workplace Injuries

Anytime you suffer an injury in the workplace, it’s normal to be confused by the process of obtaining compensation for your losses.

This is because many workers are entitled to workers compensation, but may be unaware of further civil remedies.

What’s clear is that regardless of the type of injury you sustain on the job, the injuries can be devastating. And although many on-the-job injuries occur in roles involving heavy equipment, an accident can happen just about anywhere.

Some examples of work-place injury factors include:

  • Slippery or slick surfaces that lead to trips
  • Poorly maintained equipment, stairs, or other necessary infrastructure
  • Exposed electrical wires
  • Risk of exposure to poisonous fumes or gases
  • Lack of proper training
  • Lack of safety gear
  • Defective equipment

Workers Comp or a Third-Party Lawsuit?

When you suffer an injury from a work-place accident, chances are the employer that you work for carries workers compensation insurance. That’s because Texas law makes it a requirement for most companies.

Workers compensation is a safety net of sorts—not only for injured employees, but for the employers, too. That’s because, although it can allow injured workers to recover a portion of their salary and the costs associated with medical bills, it also shields most employers carrying workers compensation insurance from additional litigation.

However, if you work for an employer that doesn’t carry workers comp, you can sue them for your damages through a traditional lawsuit. In a regular lawsuit, you can also recover the non-economic damages that are unavailable to you through workers compensation—such as compensation for pain and suffering.

In addition, you may be able to file a third-party lawsuit against people that aren’t your employer for your losses. Some examples include third-party contractors, or manufacturers of defective equipment.

In these instances, however, proving negligence becomes necessary—another factor that distinguishes typical lawsuits from workers compensation claims.

Whether you’re unsure about filing a lawsuit for your work injuries or simply need help filing a claim, an experienced work injury lawyer in Dallas can help you get the maximum compensation possible.

Contact a Work Injury Lawyer in Dallas

Your work-related injuries are serious, and impact your life in a number of difficult, challenging ways. You and your family deserve compensation that recognizes that fact.

Call 214-665-6930 or fill out the form below to contact a Dallas work injury lawyer from Chris Lewis & Associates P.C. today to get your free consultation.


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